Google Workspace Advanced+
A proven 4 streams, "n" phased deployment methodology.
The methodology
Our methodology for deploying customers has evolved over the many years as we support our customers in their transition journey
We recognize that deploying Google Apps is not just an IT project. The technical bits & bytes have been experienced and tested. Our Engineers are very good at deploying the core Google Cloud technology. The key to success is in the change management and leadership provide for this transition and what is the investment we all will make to help people work a new way and realize the full potential of the product.
We recognize that it takes time. Not everyone will switch to working differently on the Monday and move to Gmail, thus we want to be partners with you for long haul. There’s a lot to do in the Google platform and we want to help you leverage the full capabilities of the Google Workspace.
Focus on business processes to drive transformation
Focusing on the first point, that it’s not just an IT project…
To meet these demands, we propose accelerating the digital transformation of your business processes.
This effort can be summed up simply with this diagram. Often times, IT will focus on only one part of the solution (technology) or maybe two, the people side with sprints of organizational change management that supports the technology changes.
However, we propose that true “innovation” is only achieved when all three components are acted on together in a sustained way. That is to say, through enabling technology, motivating people and reinventing processes, organizations are able to achieve true innovation.
In this session we are specifically focusing on business processes as we aim to find “catalysts” to show what’s possible and inspire others to do the same.
A Plan for long term customer success
Elaborating on the second point, that it takes time...our methodology has evolved to include best practices that span beyond your initial go-live to help users adapt to their new tools and help them become an embedded part of your collaborative culture.
A strong focus on:
People (change traditional management)
Process (business process transformation)
Technology (the technical migration).
Change Managment
Change managers are involved in the Excite stick around past go live, into the Expand and Embed phase
Sponsorship and Stakeholder management
Business Analysis and impact
Planning and executing communications
Transformation beyond change managment
That’s what our methodology is all about:
Combining the business processes with the change management to change how people work.
For successful transformation of how work gets done you need more than just change management, you need to find the business processes in your business that can be improved with increased collaboration and Google Workplace. After that we redesign these processes with the appropriate training and communications.
1. Providing change management support beyond the launch of Google Workspace, so employees have access to necessary information, training and support as they climb the learning curve.
2. Providing process-related support, so the organization can find ways in which Google Apps can streamline inefficiencies
Google Workspace Transformation Labs
Transformation labs are critical in finding business processes that can be improved using Google Workplace.
These labs involve brainstorming existing business processes, prioritize to find the ones that can be most improved, and building prototype solutions using Google Workplace. The magic here is that the business users will see first hand the benefit of collaboration by building the solution in teams during the lab. They then meet back up with their lab team in 1-2 weeks after the lab to track progress on turning the prototype into reality.
Easy to implement, high-value solutions.
A key part of the methodology is to select and implement “quick-wins” that we know most companies will benefit from. There are many known high impact and easy to implement solutions that should be examined with every transformation program. Implementing these quick-wins, helps kick start the process, we’ve found that once people realize the power. they are self empowered to innovate
Our methodology and process help you design and take best decisions on :
Provisioning, Authentication, Mail Routing, Coexistence, Data Migration, Network, Mobile, Vault and Hangouts
Domains, users and resources provisioning on Google Workspace. One way or Sync with LDAP.
Upload a CSV
Quick and easy for large number of users
Adding 1000 accounts per file.
Google Cloud Directory Sync
With Google Cloud Directory Sync (GCDS), you can synchronize the data in your Google domain with your Microsoft® Active Directory® or LDAP server. Your Google users, groups, and shared contacts are synchronized to match the information in your LDAP server.
Authentication and System Access:
From simple direct Google Workspace access to complex hybrid environment single sign on.
Supported SSO:
MS 365
Sales Force.
Different supported configurations:
Configuration #1 - Google Workspace Only
Configuration #2 - LDAP - Google Workspace Passwords Synchronization
Configuration #3 - Google Workspace SSO Integration
Configuration #4 – SSO Integration + Password Sync

Dual Authentication
2 Step Verification adds an extra layer of security to your users' Google Workspace accounts by requiring them to enter a verification code in addition to their username and password when signing in to their account.
This can be Google Authentication App
or a physical key. CLoudypedia helps you decide and get it.
Data Migration
Cloudypedia team migrated 500,000+ Mailboxes across almost every single type of EMail server on earth.
Migration engineers are certified to migrate EMail, Calendar, Tasks, Files and workflows from Different sources. Including: Exchange,365,IBM lotus and any IMAP/POP supported system.
Mail Routing
Recommended mail flow during a 3 or "n" phase deployment
As an administrator, you control how email for your organization is routed and stored. we can help you custom-fit routing and delivery suit to your business or organization.
Example common Scenarios:
Gmail to scan your inbound mail for spam and compliance purposes, but store the mail on your external mail server.
Some users to receive mail in Gmail inboxes, and others to access mail from your local server.
All users to use Gmail exclusively, but route messages for unknown users to a special mailbox or to an external server.
Messages for a specific user to Cc: another recipient.
Dual Delivery
Setting up dual delivery to deliver email messages to 2 or more inboxes. For example, users can receive messages in a Gmail inbox and a non-Gmail inbox, such as a Microsoft Exchange inbox or an archiving the same time.
Split Delivery
With split delivery, an incoming message is delivered to either a Gmail inbox or a legacy system inbox, depending on the recipient.
This method works well if some of your users use Gmail, and others use a different mail system. For example, you might need to implement special handling for certain types of email, such as messages to the Legal department.
Direct Delivery
The default configuration. Incoming messages addressed to Google Workspace users are delivered to the Gmail inbox of the recipient. If a message is addressed to a user who isn't a Google Workspace user in your domain, the mail server discards the message unless a catch-all address has been configured to receive misaddressed messages.
Extra Services
Designing and ensuring your network is “cloud ready”
Bandwidth Management
Google Workspace different Apps has different Bandwidth requirements. our Engineers help you setup the right resources for each App.
Google Mobile Management
One solution to secure your data. On any device.
Set up mobile device management
Mobile device management offers users secure access to corporate apps and data, including Google mobile apps and other apps. As an administrator, you can set up fully integrated mobile device management with continuous system monitoring and reporting for device activities. You manage active devices in the Google Admin console or by using the Admin app from a mobile device. You can also audit and manage device usage and events.

Mobile Management Deployment
Review the findings from the assessment in a workshop and create a plan with the projects needed to achieve desired goals.
Assess the current mobile landscape, strategy, policies and procedures. Audit MDM configuration settings and evaluate the mobile device inventory and profile.
Implement all required technical and change management activities on the implementation plan. Develop a Device Lifecycle Management Plan.
Contact an office near you for more information. Contact us.
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